


« Our educative and therapeutic approach depends upon values that have been selected as being conducive to the development and well-being of the individual with autism and with respect for his family. They are shared and applied by all who are concerned with the work there. They influence our relations both with the autistic person, his family and our partners, as well as the manner of collaboration, the approach employed, our commitments and the pursued goals ».

I. Values of collaboration and operation

  1. Horizontality– The manner of cooperation is horizontal. It encourages the responsibility of individuals, and their contribution to the desired results is invited.
  2. Considerate communication – We encourage quality communication that is friendly, affirmative and responsible. Since the aim is to advance our knowledge in the most diverse subjects, we must understand differences of opinion.
  3. Development  – Development continues in the acquisition of knowledge about autism, and the enhancement of educative and therapeutic practices, cognitive sciences and the domain of the emotions. As far as possible and to the extent of our knowledge, new technologies are integrated into the practice.
  4. Ethics – The ethical principles of respect for the person, acceptance of individual differences and friendliness are applied.
  5. Partnership – Partnership encourages collaboration, accompaniment and the fulfilment of the individual’s project. As far as he is able, the latter may participate and unconditionally reveal his expectations..
  6. Emotional intelligence  – Relationships of power over the person and the family are excluded; requests are validated and friendly; the right to affirm a difference in sensitivity is encouraged; recognition and validation of opinions and ideas are continually proposed; the right of error is acquired; friendly communication is applied without exception.

II. Values of accompaniment and support

  1.  Cognitive type of approach – The cognitive approach is employed for accompanying autistic persons in difficulty. Emotions form an integral part of the process. The cognitive approach is centred upon the observation of the person’s conduct and the communication of the tools of thought.
  2.  Autonomy and self-determination – The strategies integrate cooperation by the individual, working to the best of his abilities, and taking account of the initiatives. A progressive reduction in support is envisaged, in order to encourage maximum autonomy in the long term.
  3. Needs –Irrespective of culture, sex, socio-economic background, type of difficulty or extent of incapacity, the satisfaction of needs is fundamental for the well-being of the person.
  4. Individualisation Every person is unique, and his individual characteristics and needs require personalised approaches and responses
  5. Taking account of the global nature of the person – The work enables an understanding of the whole person and his needs. Purpose – acceptance of the person defines the project.
  6.  Priority given to the goals and actions – The individual project is primarily centred on the goals of the person and the actions leading to them. Meetings between the project partners enable the acquisition of new tools, discussion and a clarification of the direction still to be taken.
  7. Sharing, confidence, responsibility and coordination – Every partner engaged in accompanying the autistic person guarantees a confident relationship and is personally committed to assuming his responsibilities. He encourages the sharing of knowledge and experiences, in full respect of everyone, and seeks a consensus that is primarily concentrated on the well-being of the person. The tasks and responsibilities are clearly identified, distributed and coordinated.

Fundamental principles


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